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Jewish Children’s Fund
Joseph Papp Fund
Children's Museum
The Man Who Rode with Eliyahu Hanavi
Like most of us, Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Levi wonders why good things happen to bad people, and why bad things happen to those who are good. One night he is given the opportunity to find out, as he joins Eliyahu HaNavi on his travels. Through delicate watercolor paintings and thoughtful dialogue, the young reader learns even if it sometimes appears otherwise everything Hashem does is always for the best.
Other articles in this section:
Nine Spoons
The Lost And Found Wallet
Moral Or Less
The Shushan Chronicle
The Marvelous Mix-up and other tales of Reb Sholem
One-of-a-Kind Yanky and other stories
The Great Potato Plan
More Precious than Gold
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