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Joseph Papp Fund
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Joseph Papp Fund
Founded in 2000 in memory of legendary Broadway producer Joseph Papp, the Joseph Papp Children’s Humanitarian Fund is a partner in Tzivos Hashem’s humanitarian programs in the CIS.
The Marcia Wilf and Ira Yavarkovsky Children’s Medical Clinic, Zhitomir Ukraine  Go
In a region where health insurance doesn’t exist and proper medical care is luxury afforded only by the wealthy, almost any illness can have devastating consequences.
Eye Care Center  Go
The Tzivos Hashem Eye Care Center in the Marcia Wilf and Ira Yavarkovsky Children’s Medical Clinic, which opened in 2001, has helped thousands of adults and children see clearly for the first time.
U.S. Physicians Medical Trips to Ukraine  Go
A weeklong visit that heals ill children all year
Food on Wheels for Shut-In Grandparents  Go
When care is delivered door-to-door, struggling families can stay together
Food Pantry  Go
Basic staples keep families whole
The Wheels for Life  Go
Basic staples keep families whole
Kids to Kids Clothes, Gift, and Craft Drives  Go
Teaching the joys of caring on both sides of the Atlantic
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