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Hachai Publications
Jewish Children’s Fund
Joseph Papp Fund
Children's Museum
Ages 3-6
One step up...more detailed artwork, slightly longer text. Designed to read aloud and for beginning readers to try alone. The moral of each story can lead to great family discussions!
The Key Under the Pillow  Go
A Story about Honoring Parents
Once Upon A Time  Go
The value of time in Jewish life.
A Thread of Kindness  Go
A Tzedakah Story
Perfect Porridge  Go
A Story about Kindness
Just Right  Go
The story of a Jewish Home
Take Care Of Me  Go
The Little Leaf  Go
This tender account of the life cycles of a leaf is an allegory for all ages.
A Chanukah Story For Night Number Three  Go
Messes Of Dresses  Go
As Big As An Egg  Go
The Story Of Danny Three Times  Go
Elimelech Wakes Up  Go
Red, Blue and Yellow Yarn  Go
Why The Moon Only Glows  Go
What Will The World Be Like?  Go
The Little Greats  Go
Young Avraham and Dovid, Little Rivka and Miriam showed their greatness at a very early age. Highlighting the exceptional qualities of these four Jewish heroes can encourage children to be brave, seek truth and display kindness.
Yossi And Laibel  Go
Two contemporary Jewish brothers deal with issues that every child must face. Sharing, doing favors for others, and never giving up are the important themes in this funny, heartwarming series. Award-winning artist brings the characters to life!
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