The International Sefer HaMitzvahs Competition
Eretz Yisroel
Yud Aleph Nissan Rally
Lag B'omer Rally
3rd - 4th Grade
Afternoon Program
Gimmel Tammuz
Mesibas Shabbos
Unit Meetings
TH Main
Lag B'omer 3rd -4th Grade
To: all Principals, Teachers, Shluchim and Anash throughout the World

From: Tzivos Hashem and NCFJE

Re: Yud Aleph Nissan Rally in front of 770.

A Grand Rally is being organized in Lefferts park for the children of the Moisdos in Crown Heights.

Girls will arive at 10:00am for rides!

The Program will be from 10:45 - 11:30am
The 12 Pessukim & We want moshiach NOW!
The Rebbe Speaks - Lag B'omer 1927 -
Tehhilim - Kapitul 33
Tzedokah - 18 Cents
Wire Walking Show - Dikkie Ellis

Boys will then go on the rides till 12:15pm

If you will be in New York for Lag B'omer and want your children to participate, please call Tzivos Hashem 718 – 907 8897 or 917 627 7636 that adequate seating and refreshments can be provided.