The International Sefer HaMitzvahs Competition
Sefer Hamitzvos
Yud Tes Kislev
Yud Shevat
The Rebbe
Pirkei Avos
Chassidus Basics
Sample Unit
Teacher's comments
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Level 1 - 5
Unit Meetings
TH Main
Level 1
Suggested for Year 6 or 7, Level 1 Chassidus Basics is structured as 33 forty-five minute lessons including the following topics:
" Definition of Chassidus
" Creation of the World
" Oneness of Hashem
" Arrogance and Humility
" Concealed and Revealed G-dliness
Additional lessons are needed for Chassidic insights into Yomim Tovim and lessons for Yoma DiPagra.

Level 2
Suggested for year 7 or 8, Level 2 Chassidus Basics is structured as 40 forty-five minute lessons including the following topics:
" Development of Chassidus
" Divine providence
" Tests and Challenges
" Soul in the body

Additional lessons are needed for Chassidic insights into Yomim Tovim and lessons for Yoma DiPagra.
At the end of Level 2, students are equipped to begin learning Shaar HaYichud ViHaEmuna inside the text as the next stage in their study of Chassidus.

Level 3
Suggested for year 8 or 9, Level 3 Chassidus Basics is structured as 25 forty-five minute lessons including the following topics:
" Mind Control
" Negative thoughts; remorse and regret vs. depression
" Simcha
" Mitzvos
" Ahavas Hashem
Additional lessons are needed for Chassidic insights into Yomim Tovim and lessons for Yoma DiPagra as well as lessons for the history of the Tanya and Shaar HaYichud ViHaemunah as a text based study.
The study of Likkutei Sichos as text based study could also begin at this level and would need additional lesson time.

Level 4
Suggested for year 9 or 10, Level 4 Chassidus Basics is structured as 25 forty-five
minute lessons including the following topics:
" Tefillah
" Tzaddik, Beinoni, Rasha
At this point students are well equipped to start learning Likkutei Amarim Tanya,
Perek Alpeh.
Additional lessons are needed for Chassidic insights into Yomim Tovim and
lessons for Yoma DiPagra as well as lessons for Tanya or Sichos.

Level 5
Suggested for year 10 or 11, Level 5 Chassidus Basic is structured as 50 forty-five
minute lessons including the following topics:
" To know Hashem - Sefiros
" Tzaddik Yesod Olam - Rebbe
" Tools to reach soul potential: Mashpia, Niggunim, Farbrenghen
" Iggeres HaTeshuva
Additional lessons are needed for Chassidic insights into Yomim Tovim and
lessons for Yoma DiPagra as well as lessons for Tanya or Sichos.