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Programs in the CIS
Programs in the CIS
With the fall of Communism came a difficult challenge: those living in the CIS finally had the opportunity to practice religion freely. Only most of them had a very limited understanding of our beautiful heritage. Tzivos Hashem provides for their needs - material and spiritual - every single day.
Weekly Youth Clubs  Go
In a region where anti-Semitism is commonplace, Tzivos Hashem’s weekly after-school clubs, make it cool—even fun—to be Jewish.
Shabbatons  Go
Every month Tzivos Hashem organizes a weekend-long Shabbaton getaway in a different CIS city, touching the lives of thousands of Jewish children.
Holiday Rallies  Go
From Purim costume parties to giant Chanukah menorah lighting ceremonies to Lag B'Omer parades, Tzivos Hashem’s famous holiday rallies strengthen Jewish pride and knowledge.
Passover Camp  Go
Each year, 500 lucky children enjoy celebrating Passover and exploring their Jewish identities for 10 days at beautiful campgrounds in the outskirts of Dnepropetrovsk.
Shabbat Parties  Go
In order to introduce Ukrainian and Russian children to the joys of observing Shabbat, Tzivos Hashem youth directors organize special Shabbat programs.
Jewish Craft Workshops  Go
Tzivos Hashem’s hands-on craft workshops introduce children in the CIS to Jewish holiday traditions.
Holiday Guides  Go
Tzivos Hashem makes entertaining Russian-language holiday guides.
Circumcision Clinic  Go
At Tzivos Hashem’s Circumcision Clinic in Dnepropetrovsk, men and older boys who wish to enter the covenant may do so for free in a safe hospital setting with minimal pain.
National Torah Competition  Go
Each year 10,000 Jewish children across the CIS spend hours studying Jewish concepts and traditions, motivated by a chance to win one of Tzivos Hashem’s ten grand prize trips to the United States.
International Student Sponsorship Israel/United States  Go
Tzivos Hashem sponsors talented but economically disadvantaged young people from the CIS to study at Jewish schools in the United States or Israel.
Yeladim: Russian Language Periodical  Go
A fun, colorful, Russian-language quarterly. Read by Jewish children in 14,000 homes, "Yeladim" is a central medium for reaching these "Yiddishe Neshamos"
Easy-Read Prayer Book for Russian Youngsters  Go
By breaking the main Hebrew prayers down into easily read Russian syllables, Tzivos Hashem has made it easy for Jewish children to participate in morning and Sabbath prayers at summer camp and other venues.
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