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High Holidays
Winter Camp
Lag B’Omer
Mitzvah Programs
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Friendship Circle
Chayolei Tzivos Hashem
Programs in the CIS
Tzivos Hashem strives to make Jewish life and learning fun and exciting for Jewish children ages 13 and under. Each member of Tzivos Hashem is a “soldier” with interesting and inspiring mitzvah missions to fulfill.
Registration and Ranks  Go

At the core of Tzivos Hashem are the soldiers, the hundreds of thousands of children who are currently enlisted.
The Moshiach Times Magazine  Go

The Moshiach Times Magazine is a Jewish children’s magazine of the highest quality, filled to the brim with stories, games, jokes, puzzles and comics.
Birthday Club  Go

Each year as your birthday arrives, you will receive a birthday greeting reminding you to celebrate your Hebrew birthday.
High Holidays
The Hebrew month of Tishrei (which usually falls in September/October) features four important Jewish holidays: 1) Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year; 2) Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement; 3) Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, which celebrates G-d’s presence in the world, and 4) Shemini Atzeret-Simchat Torah which marks the conclusion and beginning of the yearly Torah reading cycle.
Rosh Hashanah
Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, commemorates the great miracles that happened during the Maccabeen revolt against Syrian-Greek oppression in the time of the Second Temple.
Menorah Workshop Go

A hands on workshop affording children the opportunity to carve-and-cut their own menorah, while learning about Chanukah.
Chanukah Tanks Go

"Spreading the light" in the most literal sense, children take to the streets in specially outfitted "Chanukah Mobiles". A child's smile can light up anyone's day!
Chanukah Plays  Go

A proven method of stimulating social aptitude, children play-act the story of Chanukah while bringing joy and light to old-age home residents.
Chanukah House  Go

Chanukah House is a storefront operation, featuring Chanukah artifacts, videos, games, workshops and potato latkes.
Olive Pressing Workshop  Go

The Olive Pressing Workshop is a hands-on exhibit that demonstrates the process used to refine olive oil for the Golden Menorah.
Traveling Chanukah Theater  Go

The cast may be amateur, but what they lack in professionalism, they make up for in enthusiasm and spirit.
Dreidel Making  Go

Children of all ages delight in the age-old game of "Dreidel". This workshop has kids making their very own clay or wooden dreidels.
The Chanukah Challenge  Go

The Chanukah Challenge guides the children through all the Chanukah customs in a clear and easy way.
Esther and William Benenson and Family Homes for Boys and Girls Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Go

Since 1996, the Esther and William Benenson and Family Homes for Boys and Girls have provided neglected and orphaned children with a loving, safe environment.
Winter Camp
Through a partnership with a top summer camp - Gan Israel of Montreal, Canada, Tzivos Hashem has created a unique program designed to transform the December break from school into a fun-filled, Jewish experience. Situated at a resort nestled in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, the camp offers the finest in winter sports coupled with stimulating Jewish education and the opportunity to socialize with Jewish children.
Winter Camp Go

Tzivos Hashem teamed up with Gan Israel of Montreal, Canada, to produce a Winter Camp of the highest quality.
Purim is a fun, festive holiday during which Jews read and commemorate the story told in the Book of Esther. In ancient Persia, the wicked Haman sought to destroy the Jews. But through the bravery and leadership of Queen Esther and her uncle Mordechai, the Jewish people were saved.
Purim Rally Go

Add together thousands of children, live band, cotton candy, storytelling and more, and you'll see just how fun Purim can really be!
Megillah Slideshow and Coloring Book  Go

Tzivos Hashem has created a fun-filled slide show to accompany the reading of the Megillah—the Book of Esther. The slides present the story of Purim in full-color scenes with captions, keeping children riveted to the story. A story coloring book, with pictures that match the images in the slide show is perfect for younger children.
Traveling Purim Productions  Go

Members of Tzivos Hashem, travel to senior’s homes and hospitals with costumes, skits, songs and refreshments.
Traveling Megillah Reading  Go

Tzivos Hashem soldiers travel to shopping malls and school yards with a Kosher Megillah.
Passover is an eight-day holiday, which commemorates the exodus of the Jews from slavery in Egypt.
The Great Matzah Ball Race  Go

The Matza Ball Race is run by participating in the overwhelming preparations and encourages active involvement in the Seder itself.
Model Matzah Bakery Workshop Go

In this exciting workshop, children learn how Shmurah Matzah is made from "scratch."
Matzah Bakery Tours Go

Tzivos Hashem arranges tours of local Matzah bakeries for school groups.
Pesach Experience Go

Pesach may not be the official "Holiday of Joy" but you wouldn't know it from this mega-event!
Lag B’Omer
Traditionally celebrated with picnics and outings, Lag B’Omer commemorates the cessation of a plague in the 2nd century, as well as the yahrzeit of the great sage and author of the Kabbalah, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.
Lag B’Omer Parade  Go

Each Lag B’Omer Tzivos Hashem presents fun filled programs to celebrate the Yartzeit of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.
The holiday of Shavuot commemorates G-d’s giving of the Torah to the Jews.
Ice Cream Party  Go

On Shavuos Tzivos Hashem invites all the youngsters to an ice cream party.
“A Celebration with the Torah” Slide Show  Go

A new multi-media presentation entitled "A Celebration with the Torah" tells the story of the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.
Letter in the Sefer Torah  Go

Children unite with children all over the world by purchasing a letter and taking part in this special Childrens Sefer Torah.
Shavuot Competition  Go

This two-page brochure contains information about Shavuot and encourages kids to go to synagogue to hear the reading of the Ten Commandments.
Torah Factory Workshop  Go

Students learn how raw animal hides are made into parchment, and learn to mix the basic ingredients to make ink.
The extraordinary camp experiences made possible by Tzivos Hashem inspire Jewish children for a lifetime.
Staff Week  Go

An intensive camp staff-training program preparing hundreds to make the camping experience the best it can be.
Boy Scout Chaplains  Go

Tzivos Hashem sends representatives to Boy Scout Training to become Chaplains.
Teaching Manuals Go

Hailed by leading educators as first-rate lessonbooks, these Teacher's Guides are used globally, in hundreds of schools and summer camps.
Jewish Theme Series Go

The Jewish Theme Series is an innovative set of eight manuals to be used in summer camps.
Tzivos Hashem Handbook Go

Tzivos Hashem publishes a Jewish Handbook explaining the basic fundamentals of Judaism.
The Three Weeks Booklet  Go

The Three Weeks Booklet has twenty-eight pages of games, puzzles, stories and activities relating to the Three Weeks.
Let’s Be Ready Competition  Go

Written and designed to excite and inspire kids everywhere to get ready for Moshiach.
Mitzvah Programs
Stimulating, fun, and best of all, hands-on, the Tzivos Hashem Jewish Craft Workshops delight children all over the world, while teaching them about the special items used in celebration of the Jewish holidays. Click here for more information on these workshops.
Tzitzis Workshop  Go

From the age of three Jewish boys wear "Tzitzis" under their shirts as a reminder of our creator. Children learn how the wool strands are properly spun and tied.
Tefillin Workshop  Go

Fashioned from one piece of leather, "Tefillin" are perhaps one of the most fascinating religious objects produced. Children watch the process in this exclusive workshop.
Shabbat Workshop  Go

Challah baking, candlestick decorating; this complete Shabbat workshop repeatedly wows participants young and old.
Havdallah Workshop  Go

Children love making their very own braided "Havdalah" candle, and spice box to use at their family Havdalah ceremonies.
Torah Factory Workshop  Go

Students learn how raw animal hides are made into parchment, and learn to mix the basic ingredients to make ink.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
The Bar/Mitzvah is an important milestone in the life of a Jewish child. Tzivos Hashem offers a number of programs designed to prepare children, especially those from marginally affiliated families, to celebrate this special time of their lives.
Project Step Up for Bar Mitzvah boys  Go

Boys can turn to Tzivos Hashem to prepare them for their Bar Mitzvah.
Bar Mitzvah Video and Audio Kit Go

Whether they'll be reciting the "Berachot" on the Torah, or chanting their entire Torah portion, this handy kit is sure to help any overwhelmed Bar-Mitzvah boy.
The Bat Mitzvah Club™ Go

The Bat Mitzvah Club™ addresses the special concerns of Jewish girls.
Tefillin Workshop  Go

Fashioned from one piece of leather, "Tefillin" are perhaps one of the most fascinating religious objects produced. Children watch the process in this exclusive workshop.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Twinning Go

Tzivos Hashem arranges "Twin" Bar/Bat Mitzvahs so an American child celebrates his/her special day "together" with a less fortunate child living in Eastern Europe.
Friendship Circle
The Friendship Circle offers a wide variety of programs for children who have special needs and their families. The Circle's unique formula introduces teenage volunteers to the children and their families, and through the shared experiences, all are enriched.

The Friendship Circle was founded in Detroit, Michigan and is continuously expanding with locations around the world.

Visit for links to other locations.
Volunteer Club Go

The Tzivos Hashem Friendship Circle Volunteer Club pairs local teens with “special friends.”
Father and Son Programs Go

Friendship Circle organizes get-togethers on Chassishe holidays and other occasions to help fathers strengthen their much-needed connection with their special sons.
Watch What Happens Go

Wanna find out more? View a short video about our services and programs.
2006-07 Event Calendar Go

Don't miss a thing this Friendship Circle Season! Click to view the 2006 Friendship Circle event calendar, and be sure to join in the fun!
'06: Year in review Go

Take a peek at the 2007 Friendship Circle Newsletter...
Friends at Home Go

A focal point of many a special child's week, "Friends at home" has volunteers visiting their homes to have a great time while giving some downtime to overburdened parents.
Children’s Circle
Become a Partner
Chayolei Tzivos Hashem
Drawing on years of experience reaching out to less affiliated Jewish children, Tzivos Hashem turned its attention to providing inspiring programming and activities for children within the religious community. The Chayolei Tzivos Hashem program has been designed to make the children proud of who they are, give them an appreciation for what they do, and inspire them to want to do more.
Click here to visit the Chayolei Tzivos Hashem website.
Unit Meetings Go

Children gather together after Shabbat for a meeting. With each of the participants playing a specific role, these get-togethers give children a sense of responsibilty and accomplishment.
International Mitzvos Competition
Chabad Curricula
Rallies & Farbrengen
Special Missions
Exciting Projects
Programs in the CIS
With the fall of Communism came a difficult challenge: those living in the CIS finally had the opportunity to practice religion freely. Only most of them had a very limited understanding of our beautiful heritage. Tzivos Hashem provides for their needs - material and spiritual - every single day.
Weekly Youth Clubs Go

In a region where anti-Semitism is commonplace, Tzivos Hashem’s weekly after-school clubs, make it cool—even fun—to be Jewish.
Shabbatons Go

Every month Tzivos Hashem organizes a weekend-long Shabbaton getaway in a different CIS city, touching the lives of thousands of Jewish children.
Holiday Rallies Go

From Purim costume parties to giant Chanukah menorah lighting ceremonies to Lag B'Omer parades, Tzivos Hashem’s famous holiday rallies strengthen Jewish pride and knowledge.
Passover Camp Go

Each year, 500 lucky children enjoy celebrating Passover and exploring their Jewish identities for 10 days at beautiful campgrounds in the outskirts of Dnepropetrovsk.
Shabbat Parties Go

In order to introduce Ukrainian and Russian children to the joys of observing Shabbat, Tzivos Hashem youth directors organize special Shabbat programs.
Jewish Craft Workshops Go

Tzivos Hashem’s hands-on craft workshops introduce children in the CIS to Jewish holiday traditions.
Holiday Guides Go

Tzivos Hashem makes entertaining Russian-language holiday guides.
Circumcision Clinic Go

At Tzivos Hashem’s Circumcision Clinic in Dnepropetrovsk, men and older boys who wish to enter the covenant may do so for free in a safe hospital setting with minimal pain.
National Torah Competition Go

Each year 10,000 Jewish children across the CIS spend hours studying Jewish concepts and traditions, motivated by a chance to win one of Tzivos Hashem’s ten grand prize trips to the United States.
International Student Sponsorship Israel/United States Go

Tzivos Hashem sponsors talented but economically disadvantaged young people from the CIS to study at Jewish schools in the United States or Israel.
Yeladim: Russian Language Periodical Go

A fun, colorful, Russian-language quarterly. Read by Jewish children in 14,000 homes, "Yeladim" is a central medium for reaching these "Yiddishe Neshamos"
Easy-Read Prayer Book for Russian Youngsters Go

By breaking the main Hebrew prayers down into easily read Russian syllables, Tzivos Hashem has made it easy for Jewish children to participate in morning and Sabbath prayers at summer camp and other venues.
Multimedia has become one of the most effective ways to teach Jewish children about thir heritage, and Tzivos Hashem is on the cutting edge of educational entertainment.
Superphone Go

Stories, "Ask the Rabbi", and inspiring thoughts. Superphone provides many Jewish experiences for the whole family.
Tzivos Hashem Kids Zone Go

The first website to offer animated Jewish holiday Activities.
Tapes Go

The power of a story!

Tzivos Hashem tapes make excellent learning tools for younger children
Slide shows Go

These vibrant presentations accompany the Shofar Factory and the Torah Factory Workshop.
Videos Go

If audio is an excellent learning tool, video is a fabulous one!
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